The European Parliament passes an amendment to the Democratic Party that states that administrations offering humanitarian support will be able to apply for EU funding without going through the ministries

In the aftermath of the unanimous approval of the Safety Decree presented by Matteo Salvini in the Council of Ministers, the Group of the Democratic Party in the European Parliament rejoices for the passage in the Budget Committee of a proposal aimed at mitigating the effects of the decree. MEPs want to allow municipalities and regions that welcome migrants to receive European funds without having to apply to ministries. These are the funds managed by the Protection System for asylum seekers and refugees (Sprar) that finances "targeted reception" interventions that go beyond the simple distribution of food and accommodation.

"Up until now the funds for the Sprar were requested by the States", explained the MEP Pd Daniele Viotti, who presented the amendment, "but since Salvini wants to abolish protection, which I consider unconstitutional, we will give the regions the chance. and municipalities to directly request resources for specific projects ". In the month of July, the Sprar funded 877 projects in Italy involving over 1,200 municipal administrations in the reception of 35,881 migrants, including 734 people with mental illness or disability and 3,500 unaccompanied minors. The amendment presented by Viotti, who is also the rapporteur of the entire European budget for 2019, was voted by a large majority.

Among other measures taken in the field of immigration, the EuroCOM commission increased funding for cooperation and development by 147.5 million, expenditure for "neighboring" EU countries of 146 million, support for for the Western Balkans and for 33 million the funds for migration and integration. The final vote in the European Parliament of the draft budget is scheduled for 24 October. In the next three weeks, an agreement will have to be reached with the Council, which represents the will of the individual member countries. The final approval of the 2019 budget will come only at the end of November.


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