A Clandestino returns the "rich" wallet found on the street in Pisa

In the city of Pisa, on the 30th September 2018, a Senegalese Man (Saliou Hane) returned a lost purse belonging to an Italian Woman (Giula). An act which he said was a natural gesture.
Saliou Hane had no doubts as to which was the right decision to make. Despite his desperate situation. When he found in his hands the wallet of Giulia swollen with banknotes - 300 euros at least - opened it only to check if there were documents, then looked around hoping to recognize the owner through the photo of the identity card. But he wasn't. The next step was therefore to go looking for the municipal and deliver the "treasure" collected in Piazza Cammeo. The agents tracked down the woman and the restitution took place in front of Saliou with due thanks. "The lady offered me a reward, but I refused because I told her that it is normal to have brought her back what is hers. It is a civic sense. I do not steal, even if I'm in trouble. I have no money to eat nor to go home to my children whom I have not seen for seven years. "
The history of the Senegalese, in fact, is the story of many other foreigners living in Pisa an existence at the limit. "I arrived in the city twenty-one years ago - says the 44-year-old - because in my country there was no work and I dreamed of a better future for my family. I did a thousand jobs and I paid contributions like all Italians. Then with the crisis in 2014 I was unemployed and I lost my residence permit. " Saliou suddenly becomes a clandestine. One day at the end of July, the police stop him for a check and, finding him without papers, he accompanies him to the Center for the stay for the repatriation of Potenza. "A jail with a thousand 'prisoners' from which I only came out a month later - the Senegalese remembers - when they told me that the state did not have enough money to send me back to Senegal. I have been 'advised' to request political asylum, although I do not come from a war territory and have only lost the residence permit: something absurd. The fact is that now my life is suspended with the asylum request. The expulsion from Italy did not happen. I'm back in Pisa, without a job and without documents. I wonder what sense this law has and what future foreigners can have who want to build something in Italy honestly. I only wish I could go back to work" He added.


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