The City Council of Torino says no to the "immigration and security decree" by Matteo Salvini. With 30 votes in favor and only two against, the Red Room yesterday approved an agenda presented by Elide Tisi (Democratic Party) on the decree inviting the junta to ask the Ministry of the Interior and the Government to "suspend transitory way up to the end of the parliamentary procedure "the effects of the application of the Salvini Law Decree and to open a dialogue with Torino and other large cities to assess the concrete effects of the measure in economic, social and security terms of the territories.

What's more, on the agenda it is stated black and white that with the approval of the Decree the efforts made to achieve a balanced distribution of the people accepted throughout the regional territory and the work done by the Sprar will be thwarted. With the new legislative provision the strong concentration of people will be favored in the large reception centers and there is the risk of an increase in the number of people present in the repatriation centers. The parent company of M5S, Valentina Sganga, said that the approval of the agenda is a stimulus to improve the legislative provision, with the aim of protecting the City in a management model applied to date, which will have to continue. Even the councilor Antonino Iaria (M5S) expressed perplexity towards the text of the Decree, while the councilor for Social Services, Sonia Schellino, recalled the risks of increasing people in a state of illegality with the launch of the new rules and hoped that also the Municipalities are involved in the work of modifying the Decree. Negative voices came only from the directors Fabrizio Ricca (Lega Nord), who recalled how the Salvini decree is foreseen in the Government contract and Roberto Rosso (Noi con l'Italia).

Today from Enrico Pesce, president of Federsolidarietà Piemonte, the regional federation representing the social cooperatives of Conf cooperative, comes support and appreciation for the line of the Municipal Council of Torino. "We constantly talk with public institutions, and we continue to reiterate the importance of promoting and innovating the Sprar model, despite the limitations contained in the decree," continues Pesce. «The management developed by the social cooperatives together with the Municipalities, in our region but not only, encourages us to continue in this direction, dialoguing with all the subjects involved in different ways in this area. This decree, among other things, risks increasing the number of illegal immigrants, instead of rewarding a policy of integration ».


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