The mayor of Riace, Domenico Lucano, has been arrested for aiding illegal immigration. His model of welcome had allowed the city to be reborn in Calabria, had shown that immigration can be a resource, had overcome the fear of the different. A grain of sand in the gear of xenophobia, so dangerous that it has forced the Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini to bother to define "zero" the first citizen of a small community in Southern Italy.
This is the demonstration that solidarity works and that scares those who feed on fear.
The reception is going through a process of criminalization, the signal is dramatically clear.

According to a note, "the precautionary measure would represent the result of investigations, coordinated and directed by the Public Prosecutor of Locri, carried out on the management of loans granted by the Ministry of the Interior and the Prefecture of Reggio Calabria to the Municipality of Riace, for the reception of refugees and asylum seekers ".

Domenico Lucano has become a symbol of welcoming migrants. For its revolutionary reception system, which allowed the small Calabrian town to be reborn, the mayor had been inserted by Fortune in the 50 most influential men in the world.


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