Migrants, record of victims in September: 20% dead or missing on the Libyan route

The ISPI report: 8.1 deaths per day in the last four months

The updated ISPI report (Institute for International Policy Studies) says that, in absolute terms, at least 867 migrants have been dead or missing over the last 4 months on the Libyan route. Looking at the entire central Mediterranean (including the people who left from Tunisia, almost 970 migrants are missing or missing.
In the Mediterranean, without any rescue devices, where the rescues are entrusted only to the hiccups of the Libyan Coast Guard, September was the month with the highest death rate that has ever been recorded: almost 20% of those who parted in September are dead or missing.
"It is a number equivalent to 8.1 deaths a day, more than double that of the period of the Minniti politics (3.2 deaths per day), and not far from the 12 deaths per day recorded in the 12 months preceding the decline in landings, when Libya left almost 17,000 migrants a month instead of the little more than 3,000 per month of the Conte government - explains the researcher Matteo Villa - In these four months, the mortality rate was 6.8%, more than three times the rate of average death in the central Mediterranean in 2014-2017 (2.1%) By comparison, the period of the "Minniti policies" (July 2017 - May 2018) had recorded a mortality rate identical to that of previous years (2.1 %) ".


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