The 'security decree' proposed by Minister Matteo Salvini violates the constitutional principles and proves above all:

The restriction of humanitarian permits, therefore, the abolition of humanitarian protection and revocation or denial of international protection or of the status of refugee and restriction of the reception system.

Extend the administrative detention of persons who have not committed any crime (foreigners who are held in repatriation centers (CPRs), waiting to be repatriated can be held for up to 180 days).

Exclusion from the registry of asylum seekers. Article 13 of the decree provides that asylum seekers can not be registered at the registry office and can not therefore access the residence.

The revocation of Italian citizenship to foreigners for numerous crimes and that the application for the acquisition of citizenship may be rejected even if it was presented by those who married an Italian citizen or an Italian citizen. So far, marriage applications could not be rejected. In addition, the term for the granting of citizenship for both residence and marriage is extended for up to 48 months.

Seeing that the decree is anti-immigrant and intended to make the existence of migrants / refugees in Italy defectable, we ask the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella to reject the 'safety decree' of Matteo Salvini motivated by hatred of others.

Please it's time to join hands to say NO to RACISM 


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