The immigration decree is now a law: it will change the lives of thousands of people for the worse.

With yesterday's vote of confidence in the Chamber, the immigration decree was converted into law. Again we express our opposition to a provision that changes, in negative, the lives of thousands of people, making them even more vulnerable and exposing them to the risk of living on the margins. As already reiterated, far from guaranteeing "public order and security", this decree goes in the opposite direction, sharpening social hardship and increasing insecurity for the entire population, both migrants and Italians, with heavy repercussions also on social cohesion. According to some estimates, the only abolition of humanitarian protection - a residence permit granted by the Italian State to those who, despite not having the requisites to obtain international protection, still present vulnerabilities that require a form of protection - will produce 60 thousand new irregularities in the next two years. Thousands of new homeless people, people without rights, who risk becomi...