At dawn this morning Italian police evicted around 150 people who had been staying at the Baobab Experience in Rome 😢

The Baobab is a informal volunteer-run camp near Tiburtina station. It provides food and shelter to some of the most vulnerable migrants in Italy — those in transit and those outside of the Italian reception system. Since opening in 2015 it has helped almost 80,000 people.

La Repubblica reports that at the time of the eviction, the Baobab was hosting many holders of humanitarian protection, who are unable to stay in SPRAR centers as a result of the Salvini Decree.

About 120 people were taken to the immigration office at the police headquarters in Rome, La Repubblica added.

Andrea Costa, the Baobab Experience Coordinator said "now hundreds of people will end up on the street. We hope that the city council takes action.”

Following the eviction, Salvini posted on Facebook: "Free zones, without state and legality, are no longer tolerated, we promised it, we are doing it, and it's not over here, from words to deeds.”

Take care and stay strong people!
One love one heart ❤️✌️

More info here: https://goo.gl/Sy3ZoY


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