Permessi di soggiorno (permits of stay): For people facing natural disaster: Permesso per Calamità

For people facing natural disaster: Permesso per Calamità

Who gets this permesso?

The Permesso di Soggiorno per Calamità is intended for those whose countries are facing a natural disaster or other short-term calamity.

How can I get this permesso?

There have not been any procedures set for this process yet, and you may want to ask a lawyer for help.

How long will it take to get it?

The amount of time it takes to receive this kind of permesso has not yet been established.

How long is it valid for?

This kind of permesso is valid for 6 months and can be renewed just once — for another 6 months — if the calamity continues.

How can I renew this kind of permesso?

Information on how this kind of permesso can be renewed is not yet available. If you receive this kind of permesso, you may want to contact a lawyer to help you understand how to renew it.

Can I convert this permesso into a Permesso per Motivi di Lavoro?

No, you cannot convert this permesso into a work permit.

What rights do I have as a holder of this permesso?

With this permesso, you have the right to:
  • Work in Italy — but not other European countries.
  • Stay in a reception facility, as well as receive basic services at the reception facility. You may be hosted at a SPRAR center. Your right to reception includes “material reception,” meaning food, medical attention and hygiene products.
  • Access the Italian public education system.
  • Register with the registry office of your local comune, which gives you the right to get a carta d’identità.
  • Access the Italian welfare system, depending on which benefit you seek.
This permesso is valid only in Italy and does not allow you to travel outside of Italy.
It does not give you the right to ask for your family to join you through family reunification.
It is not yet clear if you can access the national health system with this permesso.


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