Permessi di soggiorno (permits of stay): For people fleeing persecution and torture: Permesso per Protezione Speciale

Who gets this permesso?

The Permesso di Soggiorno per Protezione Speciale was created by the Salvini Decree, which went into force October 5, 2018. Under the law, this kind of permesso and protection is for those who do not qualify for refugee status or subsidiary protection, but who are nevertheless in need of international protection.
Under the law, it may be granted to those who, if they return to their country of origin, face the danger of persecution on the grounds of:
  • Race
  • Gender
  • Language
  • Citizenship
  • Religion
  • Political opinion
  • Personal or social conditions
  • Risk of being sent from their country of origin to another country where they are not safe
  • Risk of facing torture because of systematic human rights violations in their country of origin
In practice, legal experts don’t yet know which kinds of applicants will most likely receive this kind of protection.

How do I get this permesso?

You could receive this permesso either as the result of your asylum application, or after your Permesso per Motivi Umanitari expires, if you aren’t currently working and are not eligible for a Permesso per Motivi di Lavoro.
Important: If you have humanitarian protection and are working, and after your renewal appointment you receive a Permesso per Protezione Speciale, legal experts advise that you contact a lawyer right away. You may wish to appeal your decision and try to get a Permesso per Motivi di Lavoro instead, but you have a very short period of time to do so.

How long is it valid for?

In general, the Permesso per Protezione Speciale is valid for 1 year, and it can be renewed. However, the questura may give you a 6-month Permesso per Protezione Speciale while it determines if you are eligible for the 1-year, renewable permesso.

How long will it take to get it?

Because this kind of permesso has been created very recently, we don’t yet know how long it may take to get it.

How can I renew this kind of permesso?

You can make an appointment to ask to renew your permesso at the questura. The Territorial Commission may renew your permesso if it decides you still face a risk of persecution or torture in your country of origin.
If the commission does not renew your permesso, you may be eligible for a different kind of permesso. A lawyer can help you understand how to proceed in your specific case.

Can I convert this permesso into a Permesso per Motivi di Lavoro?

No, this permesso cannot be converted into a work permit.

What rights do I have as a holder of this permesso?

  • With this kind of permesso, you have the right to:
  • Work in Italy — but not in any other European countries.
  • Register with the registry office of your local comune, which gives you the right to get a carta d’identità

You cannot ask for your family to join you in Italy through family reunification.


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