Permessi di soggiorno (permits of stay): For people affected by criminal activity: permessi issued by the police

For people affected by criminal activity: permessi issued by the police

In some special cases, the questore (Italian police superintendent) grants permessi di soggiorno to people who have survived crimes or are in some way connected to criminal activity. You cannot request these permessi at the questura.
There are 3 types of permessi in this category:
  • Permesso per Protezione Sociale
  • Permesso per Particolare Sfruttamento Lavorativo
  • Permesso per Vittime di Violenza Domestica

Permesso per Protezione Sociale

You may be granted a Permesso di Soggiorno per Protezione Sociale if your safety is seriously threatened by:
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Violence or grave exploitation
  • A particular group that endangers an individual who tries to escape or make a statement against that group
Social services or police who are involved in the relevant case can recommend issuing this permesso to the questore (police superintendent).
You can also receive this permesso if you have been released from jail for crimes you committed as a minor and can prove you have participated in a social reintegration program. In this case, a public defender or a surveillance judge at a juvenile court recommends to the questore that you get this permesso.

How long is it valid?

This kind of permesso is valid for 6 months and can be renewed for 1 year, or for the maximum amount of time needed for judicial reasons.

Permesso per Particolare Sfruttamento Lavorativo

You could get a Permesso di Soggiorno per Particolare Sfruttamento Lavorativo if you have filed a complaint, and/or cooperate with criminal proceedings, against an employer who has made the following violations of labor laws:
  • Employed more than 3 irregular employees or people under the legal working age
  • Paid less than the legal minimum wage for a particular form of work
  • Forced employees to work more than the nationally established hours
  • Failed to meet national standards of workplace hygiene and security
  • Submitted employees to degrading surveillance and/or housing services

How long is it valid?

This kind of permesso is valid for 6 months and can be renewed for 1 year, or for the maximum amount of time needed for judicial reasons.

Permesso per Vittime di Violenza Domestica

You could get the Permesso di Soggiorno per Vittime di Violenza Domestica if you are proven to have survived domestic violence.

How long is it valid?

This type of permesso is valid for 1 year.


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