
Showing posts from January, 2019


More than 500 people are being ousted from a refugee reception centre in a town close to Rome in the first major eviction since Italy’s rightwing populist government enacted hardline immigration measures into law. Thirty people were evicted from the centre, the second-largest of its kind in Italy and the place where Pope Francis washed residents’ feet as part of his Easter ritual in 2016, in Castelnuovo di Porto on Tuesday. A further 75 were removed on Wednesday, with the remaining 430 to be evicted before the centre’s closure on 31 January. The evictions follow the approval of the “Salvini decree”, named after Matteo Salvini, the interior minister and leader of the far-right League, in late November. The bill scrapped humanitarian protection status and suspended the refugee application process for those considered “socially dangerous” or who have been convicted of a crime. It also stripped naturalised foreigners convicted on terrorism charges of their Italian citiz...


Prosecutors in Sicily say Interior Minister Matteo Salvini held 177 migrants hostage by stranding them on a ship. The European Council has expressed concern about xenophobia in Italy. A court in Sicily ruled on Thursday that Italy's far-right Interior Minister Matteo Salvini can be charged with kidnapping after he prevented refugees from disembarking an Italian coast guard ship in August. "I confess," Salvini said in a video posted to his Facebook page, "there is no need for a trial. It's true, I did it and I'd do it again." "I risk 3 to 15 years in prison for blocking illegal landings in Italy. I have no words," wrote Salvini, the leader of the ultra-nationalist Lega (League) party, which now rules Italy in a coalition with the anti-establishment Five Star Movement (M5S). Salvini also claimed on Facebook that #SaliviniNonMollare ("Salvini, don't give up") was the top trending hashtag on Italian Twitter, but many of ...


If you are a young person between 15 and 29 years old, living in Italy - EU citizen or non-EU foreigner, legally residing - not engaged in a job or registered in a school or training course, you can join a Youth Guarantee, to take advantage of opportunities for orientation, training and work provided for by the Program. To join, you must fill out the online form in which you will have to enter your personal data. As soon as this phase is completed, the system will send the credentials with which you can have access to your personal area of ​​the ANPAL portal to the email address indicated by you during registration. In this area you can complete the Youth Guarantee membership by selecting one or more Regions (or Autonomous Province) where you prefer to take advantage of one of the opportunities provided by the Program. The Region may also be different from the one in which you are domiciled. If you are already registered on the Cliclavoro portal (only for registrations before ...

Di Maio, Salvini face first 'European clash' over migrants

The first "European clash" between Italian Deputy Premier Matteo Salvini and Deputy Premier Luigi Di  Maio, ahead of the European elections in May, has come over the topic of migrants. The disagreement came from the situation of 49 migrants aboard two ships off  the coast of Malta, who haven't been given a port for landing. Italian Deputy Premier Matteo Salvini and Deputy Premier Luigi Di Maio are facing their first "European" disagreement, over the topic of migrants, ahead of European elections coming in May.  Salvini, of the rightwing populist League party, is seeking to consolidate his sovereignist position, while Di Maio, of the 5-Star Movement (M5S), has taken a step back and positioned himself closer to the European right and socialist parties.  The clash is purely political, despite the fact that it stems from the current situation of 49 migrants who are languishing off the coast of Malta on two NGO migrant rescue ships that have not been given a port ...