If you are a young person between 15 and 29 years old, living in Italy - EU citizen or non-EU foreigner, legally residing - not engaged in a job or registered in a school or training course, you can join a Youth Guarantee, to take advantage of opportunities for orientation, training and work provided for by the Program.
To join, you must fill out the online form in which you will have to enter your personal data.
As soon as this phase is completed, the system will send the credentials with which you can have access to your personal area of ​​the ANPAL portal to the email address indicated by you during registration. In this area you can complete the Youth Guarantee membership by selecting one or more Regions (or Autonomous Province) where you prefer to take advantage of one of the opportunities provided by the Program.
The Region may also be different from the one in which you are domiciled. If you are already registered on the Cliclavoro portal (only for registrations before 2 February 2018) or on the ANPAL portal, you do not need to register again! All you need to do is access your personal area of ​​the ANPAL portal, using the user and password already in your possession and join the program! After joining, within 60 days, the Region you have chosen will contact you to direct you to an office of Employment Services (Employment Center, Employment Agency or other Agency accredited for Work Services) where to agree a personalized path for job placement or professional training. Within 4 months, from the moment of entering into the service agreement, you will be offered a measure in line with your profile.
You can also subscribe to the Youth Guarantee through the regional portals or by contacting the Employment Services directly. For more details and information, visit


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