Just welcomed a newborn baby to your family?! 🎈 Congrats! 🎈 You can apply for financial support to help you take care of your child 👶🍼 You can learn whether you’re eligible and how to apply


An “assegno di natalità,” or “bonus bebè,” is a monthly payment meant to help new parents take care of a baby or a child in their care.
Eligible parents and legal guardians must apply no more than 90 days after the child is born or joins their family.
Who can apply
Under the law, you are eligible for the bonus bebè if:
  • Your family income is less than €25,000 per year
  • You are the birth parent or legal guardian of a child (someone under 18)
  • Your child joined your family no more than 90 days ago
  • You are an asylum-seeker or have humanitarian protection, subsidiary protection or refugee status
However, if you are an asylum-seeker or have humanitarian protection, casi speciali or any other kind of permesso di soggiorno, you’ll have to go through a slightly longer process than people with subsidiary protection or refugee status. You may need a lawyer.
When can I apply?
You can only apply after your child is born or enters your family.
I’m a new mom and I’m under 18. Can I get the bonus bebè?
Yes, but your legal guardian must come with you to your local INPS office and apply with you.
How much will I receive?
The bonus bebè is paid each month over 12 months.
The amount you receive depends on how many children you have and your yearly family income:
  • If you have one child and your yearly family income is less than €7,000 per year, you will get a total of €1,920. This means €160 a month for 12 months.
  • If you have one child and your yearly family income is between €7,000 and €25,000, you will get a total of €960. This means €80 a month for 12 months.
  • If you have more than one child and your yearly family income is less than €7,000 per year, you will get a total of €2,304. This means €192 a month for 12 months.
  • If you have more than one child and your yearly family income is between €7,000 and €25,000, you will get a total of €1,152. This means €96 a month for 12 months.
How do they calculate my yearly family income?
In Italy, your yearly family income is decided according to your ISEE. The ISEE indicates how much income your family unit has per year, and is calculated by the INPS.
Your local patronato can help you get an ISEE document.
How you will receive your payments
Payments are made directly to you. Either by:
  • A direct transfer to your bank account or prepaid card.
  • A bonifico domiciliato (you pick the money up at the post office). Find more information on the bonifico domiciliato on the website ABC Risparmio by clicking here.
How to apply
If you are an asylum-seeker or have humanitarian protection
The INPS doesn’t have a formal process for asylum-seekers and people with humanitarian protection to apply for social benefits like the bonus bebè.
The Associazione per gli Studi Giuridici sull’Immigrazione (ASGI) created a form to help with this problem. Visit ASGI’s website here and click “MODELLO bonus bebè” to download the form.
You’ll need to print the form, fill it out and send it to the INPS office closest to you through couriered post or in Italian, “posta raccomandata.” Visit your local post office for more information on the posta raccomandata.
The INPS will most likely deny your application, but you can appeal that decision with the help of a lawyer.
If you have refugee status or subsidiary protection
You can apply directly online through the INPS website. Apply by clicking here.
You will need to have your Codice Fiscale ready to apply. If you don’t know what your Codice Fiscale number is, you can calculate it by inputting your information here, on the Italian government’s “calcolo Codice Fiscale” website.
To apply online, you will also need a 16-digit PIN. You can request one on the INPS website here. You will receive the first 8 digits via SMS, and the other 8 digits by mail at your residential address.
Do I need anything else?
If you are the legal guardian, but not biological parent, of your new family member, you just need to give the INPS one more thing: The “affidamento” document that you got from a judge or social services office when you became the child’s legal guardian.
Who can help
INPS office
For extra help with the application, you can also visit your local INPS office.
You can also call the national INPS hotline at: 803164 or 06164164.
Your local patronato
You can pay the local financial assistance center, which Italians call a “patronato,” to help you fill out the paperwork for the bonus bebè. There are several different patronati in Italy, including the CAAF CGIL, CISL, UIL, or ANOLF.
There are patronati offices in most Italian towns and cities.
Some patronati can help you fill out the forms you need if you’re are an asylum-seeker or have humanitarian protection. Visit your closest patronato office to find out if they will help you, and how much it might cost to get this help.
For more information on what a patronato can do for you, you can check out their websites by clicking here, here, here, or here


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