Last week, the Italian government approved the Salvini Decree and sent it to the president for his review. That doesn’t mean the decree is law yet — a few things need to happen first.

❓ What’s next?

The president needs to sign the decree. He might ask for some changes, if he thinks the decree violates Italy’s Constitution. Once he signs it, it will be published. The decree will be immediately binding once published.

Parliament will have 60 days to amend or confirm the decree. If Parliament doesn’t take action within 60 days, the decree will be thrown out. Parliament rarely rejects a decree entirely, but it might make some important amendments.

❓ What could change?

The decree proposes major changes to migration and internatonal protection law. Some of these include:

📍 Granting humanitarian protection only to people with extreme medical conditions, victims of natural disasters, or those who have performed heroic acts.

📍 Making many criminal sentences grounds for denying an asylum request or taking away someone's international protection, as well as deportation.

📍 Taking away the Italian citizenship of anyone who is deemed a threat to security or has committed acts of terrorism.

📍 Doubling how long people can be held in expulsion and repatriation centers, from 3 months to 6 months.

📍 Increasing funding to construct more identification and repatriation centers throughout Italy.

📍 Restricting who can stay in SPRAR centers. Only people with subsidiary protection or refugee status (5-year permessi di soggiorno) and unaccompanied minors will be allowed to stay in SPRAR centers.


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