Thousands in the streets of Milan against racism and intolerance. Anpi: "Real threat is not the migrants but the mafias"

A red square, a square full of people. Thousands with T-shirts, scarves and red clothes have invaded Piazza Duomo in Milan for the demonstration against racism and against all forms of intolerance. In the square there are handkerchiefs tied to the neck by members of the Anpi (which organizes the event together with Aned and Sentinelli of Milan), the flags of peace, those of Emergency and Sentinelli. And there are people of all ages: children with mothers and fathers, retired Spi-Cgil, high school students. And there are the immigrants of the Sprar and the Cas.
These people, arrived in Milan to say "stop racism and intolerance", and reaffirm the values ​​of reception and anti-fascism, during the event entitled 'Zero intolerance. A red sign against racism ', promoted by Anpi, Aned, I Sentinelli of Milan. "In this recurrence of racist and xenophobic impulses, Minister Salvini, who made the slogan of Casa Pound, 'Prima gli italiani', claims to have reduced the applications for the right to asylum provided for in our Constitution - said the president of Anpi Milano, Roberto Cenati -. While in the security decree the government, in Salvinian traction, poses further restrictions on humanitarian protection ". As Minister of the Interior "should worry - he concluded - to fight those who really threaten our security, like the mafias". The life senator Liliana Segre sent a message that was read from the stage. On the eightieth anniversary of the promulgation of racial laws, "I hear widespread signs of the rebirth of racist and xenophobic currents, when not openly Nazi and neo-fascist, and this for me is a source of despair - wrote the senator for life, survivor of the extermination camps. Today I am ideally with you to ask for zero intolerance ". Then the song Bella Ciao, intoned by the whole square, started from the stage.

Here are the faces of those who were there.


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