Just welcomed a newborn baby to your family?! ๐ŸŽˆ Congrats! ๐ŸŽˆ You can apply for financial support to help you take care of your child ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿผ You can learn whether you’re eligible and how to apply

The “bonus mamma domani” is a one-time, untaxed payment of €800 per child. It is available to parents who are going to soon welcome or just welcomed a baby into their family.
The bonus mamma domani program has been extended until December 2020, but may end sooner if the program runs out of funds.
You can use this article to find out:
  • Who can apply
  • How to apply
  • Who can help you apply
  • How you will receive your payment
Who can apply
You can receive the bonus mamma domani no matter how much money your family makes per year.
According to the Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale (INPS), the institution that issues the bonus mamma domani, you can apply for the bonus mamma domani if:
What about asylum-seekers and people with humanitarian protection?
Under Italian law, asylum-seekers and people with humanitarian protection can apply, too, but in practice they usually get a negative answer. That's because of a discriminatory INPS policy that guarantees the bonus only to people with a long-stay permit.
Until last year, INPS did not have a formal process for asylum-seekers and humanitarian protection holders to apply for social benefits like the bonus mamma domani.
However, the institute recently modified the online application procedure so that every mom with a valid permesso di soggiorno can apply for the bonus mamma domani. You can learn more about this on the Project Melting Pot’s page.
The INPS also requires that 6-month permesso holders who apply for the bonus are registered with the registry office (“ufficio anagrafe” in Italian). Since October 5, 2018, asylum-seekers are no longer able to register for residence at the local anagrafe. This means that asylum-seekers who did not register before that date may get their application rejected.
However, this may vary across Italy so it’s a good idea to ask for support from a CAF or a lawyer in your area.
Despite having updated the online application, INPS could still give you a negative response. If this happens, you can appeal that decision with the help of a lawyer.
What if I have another kind of permesso?
If you hold another type of permesso which isn’t listed above, it’s a good idea to speak with a CAF or a lawyer before applying. They can also support you with the application process.
How to apply
Now that the INPS has updated the online application system, you should be able to apply directly online through the INPS website, regardless of the kind of document that you hold.
Applying on the INPS website
If you are the biological parent or legal guardian of the child, apply by clicking here.
You will need to have your codice fiscale ready to apply.
To apply online, you will also need a 16-digit PIN. You can request one on the INPS website. You will receive the first 8 digits via SMS, and the other 8 digits by mail at your address.
What if I can’t apply through the INPS website?
If you are an asylum-seeker or have a humanitarian or casi speciali permesso, you might face some problems if you apply.
The legal organization ASGI created a form to help with this problem.
Visit ASGI’s website and click “MODELLO premio alla nascita” to download the form.
You’ll need to print it, fill it out and send it to the INPS office closest to you through couriered post (in Italian called the "posta raccomandata").

·     INPS office
For extra help with the application, you can visit your local INPS office.
·     Your local CAF
Most of the union associations (such as CGIL, UIL-ANOLF, ACLI) have financial assistance centers, which Italians refer to as a “CAF” or “patronato,” that can help you fill out your paperwork for the bonus mamma domani.
There are CAF offices in most Italian towns and cities.
Your one-time payment of €800 per child can be made directly to you and can be provided as:
  • A bonifico domiciliato — meaning you pick the money up at the post office.
  • A direct transfer to your bank account or prepaid card.


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