Permessi di soggiorno (permits of stay): For humanitarian protection holders: Permesso per Motivi Umanitari (casi speciali)
For humanitarian protection holders: Permesso per Motivi Umanitari (now known as "casi speciali") As of October 5, 2018 — the date the Salvini Decree went into effect — Italy no longer issues humanitarian protection or Permessi di Soggiorno per Motivi Umanitari. instead it has been replaced by a new protection known as casi speciali What is this permesso for? Italy issued humanitarian protection (the Permesso di Soggiorno per Motivi Umanitari) to asylum applicants whom it did not consider eligible for refugee status or subsidiary protection, but who still needed a form of protection. Italy gave humanitarian protection to applicants including, for example, those with special needs related to age or health conditions, and those from countries that were very dangerous but not for reasons that usually qualify applicants for subsidiary protection. How long is it valid for? This permesso is valid for 2 years. If you hold this permesso and it has not yet expir...