The City Council of Torino says no to the "immigration and security decree" by Matteo Salvini. With 30 votes in favor and only two against, the Red Room yesterday approved an agenda presented by Elide Tisi (Democratic Party) on the decree inviting the junta to ask the Ministry of the Interior and the Government to "suspend transitory way up to the end of the parliamentary procedure "the effects of the application of the Salvini Law Decree and to open a dialogue with Torino and other large cities to assess the concrete effects of the measure in economic, social and security terms of the territories. What's more, on the agenda it is stated black and white that with the approval of the Decree the efforts made to achieve a balanced distribution of the people accepted throughout the regional territory and the work done by the Sprar will be thwarted. With the new legislative provision the strong concentration of people will be favored in the large reception centers a...